Gospel of Barnabas

Gospel of Barnabas
Among the disciples of Jesus (P), Barnabas was a dynamic evangelist and commanded great respect. He was a close companion of Jesus (P*). The Bible refers to him as an "apostle" (Acts 14:14), and "a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and of faith" (Acts 11:24). There are many more verses in the Bible (Acts, Galatians, and Colossians) which refers to the name of Barnabas and his activities. It says in Colossians 4:10, "if he comes to you, receive him."
Jesus (P*) was literate but did not write or dictate the messages he received from God. After he had left this world many people wrote about his life and teachings, which are known as Gospels. Over one hundred gospels were written. The author of one of the Gospels was Apostle Barnabas. After Jesus (P*) had departed, rivalry appeared among his followers. Some wanted to follow his teachings, practices and principles without any deviation, while others wanted to sacrifice them and incorporate pagan ways and practices for the sake of spreading Christianity, specially among Greeks and Romans. Barnabas belonged to the first group while Saint Paul belonged to the second.
Jesus (P*) categorically said regarding the laws and prophets of the Old Testament, "I have come not to abolish them but to fulfill them" (Matthew 5:17). Further, when a man asked Jesus (P*) how to get eternal life, he advised him to follow the commandments of the Old testament (Mark 10:17-19). Once Apostle Paul established his foothold among the disciples, he declared abolition of those laws: "For all who rely on the works of the law are under a curse" (Galatians 3:10); and "you who would be justified by the law; you have fallen away from grace" (Galatians 5:4). But when he wanted to silence the women he took the shelter of 'Law': “Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law" (1 Corinthians 14:34-35). The doctrine of redemption is also the brainchild of apostle Paul (Romans 3:23-25).
Rivalry between the various factions continued for centuries and resulted in loss of lives. In 325 AD the followers of Paul gained control at the council of Nicea and immediately ordered great changes. They canonized the four Greek Gospels that we read today and ordered all non Greek Gospels to be destroyed. Included in those were 'The Gospel of Barnabas', 'Gospel of Thomas', 'Gospel of Nazarenes', the Gospel of Egyptians, and 'The Gospel of the Hebrews' (Ref. 4-p51). The only Gospel written in Aramaic, the language that Jesus (P*) spoke, was destroyed.
The council of Nicea established the cardinal doctrine of Christianity, Trinity (by Athanesius of Alexandria)
The council also changed the birthday of Jesus (P*) to 25 December to match the birthday of Sun-God Mithras, and shifted the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday.
The Gospel of Barnabas is the most authentic Gospel available today. Barnabas was a companion of Jesus (P*) and was filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts 11:24)
Most of the Bible experts of today agree that the true identities of the authors of the four canonized Gospels are not known (Ref. 4- p45). These Gospels were written by followers of apostle Paul and names of famous people were put as authors to give credit and authenticity to these Gospels.
Once I asked a pastor about the Gospel of Barnabas. He replied that he never heard of it. Weeks later he came back and said: "I know it now. This is the Gospel written by the Muslims." To this pointed out to him that the Gospel was written in the first century and Islam did not come until the seventh century. The pastor thought for a few moments and then said: "They must have back dated it." The following facts will disprove this.
During the first three centuries, the followers of Jesus (P*) and followers of Apostle Paul, were seriously debating between pure monotheism and trinity. Iranaeus (130-200 AD) wrote in support of pure monotheism and quoted extensively from the Gospel of Barnabas.
The Gospel of Barnabas was accepted as a Canonical Gospel in the Churches of Alexandria till 325 AD
In 325 AD, the Council of Nicea ordered the destruction of the Gospel of Barnabas with an 'Edict' that anyone possessing this Gospel would be burnt to death. Later many people were actually burned to death.
In 382 AD the Western Churches prohibited the Gospel of Barnabas.
In 383 AD, the Pope secured a copy of the Gospel of Barnabas and kept it in his private library.
In 465 AD, Pope Innocent forbade this Gospel by decree. library.
In 478 AD, during the reign of Emperor Zeno, the remains of apostle Barnabas were discovered and on his chest was found a copy of the Gospel of Barnabas written by his own hand. library.
The following are some quotations from the Gospel of Barnabas:
In reply to a question by Philip, Jesus (P*) said: "God alone hath no equal. He hath had no beginning, nor will he ever have an end, ... He hath no father nor mother; he hath no sons, nor brethren, nor companions." (Gospel of Barnabas, Chapter 17 - p17 - p18)
Jesus (P*) and his followers stayed in Mount Sinai for forty days, then came down to the river Jordan. After learning this, the people of the city of Jerusalem came in great numbers to receive him and said: "Welcome to thee, O our God!" Jesus (P*) gave a great groan and said: "Get ye from before me, O madmen, for I fear lest the earth should open and devour me with you for your abominable words! (Gospel of Barnabas, chapter 92-p117).
"Verily ye have erred greatly, O Israelites, in calling me, a man, your God. ... | confess before heaven, ... that I am a stranger to all that ye have said; seeing that I am man, born of mortal woman, subject to the judgment of God, suffering the miseries of eating and sleeping, of cold and heat, like other men. Whereupon when God shall come to judge, my words like a sword shall pierce each one (of them) that believe me to be more than man," (Gospel of Barnabas, Chapter 93-p117).
In the presence of a great multitude, the priest asked Jesus (P*): "Art thou the Messiah of God whom we expect? Jesus (P*) answered: 'It is true that God hath so promised, but indeed I am not he, for he is made before me, and shall come after me." ... Then said the priest: "How shall the Messiah be called, and what sign shall reveal his coming?" Jesus (P*) answered: "The name of the Messiah is admirable, for God himself gave him the name when he created his soul, and placed it in a celestial splendour. ... Mohammad is his blessed name" (Gospel of Barnabas, Chapter 96 & 97 - P121, P123).
The above verse is similar to the Hebrew Bible verse, in "Song of Solomon" 5:16 which reads: "Cheeko mame tah kim, vechulo Mohamadeem." This means: 'His language is most sweet, he is Mohammad.' But it has been translated in the English Bible as 'His speech is most sweet, and he is altogether desirable." A name must not be translated. One is very much surprised to find that the Gospel of Barnabas is not available in the bookstores nor in the public libraries, although one can easily find obscene books in the bookstores. People interested in knowledge and in truth, can get the Gospel of Barnabas from: ICNA Book Service, 166-26, 89th Avenue, Jamaica, NY 11432. Phone: 718-657-4090, Fax: 718-658-1255.
1. Holy Bible - Revised Standard Version, American Bible Society, 1980
2. Illustrated Dictionary & concordance of the Bible, G.G. The Jerusalem Publishing House Ltd., 1986.
3. The Gospel Of Barnabas, Unity Publishing Co., Cedar Rapids, lowa
4. The Bible, The Quran and Science, by Maurice Bucaille, North American Trust Publication, 1979
P- Peace of God be upon him/them.
Compiled by A. S. Alam, M.D.